
With over 25 years of experience, expertise and success in developing leading edge, industry-driven training products and industry projects for Australia’s energy sectors.

Our in-house expert capabilities in technical writing, quality assurance, project management and Australia wide industry networks, combined with true independence and sound corporate governance, demonstrates our organisation’s capability to engage with industry stakeholders to successfully undertake wide ranging government and industry projects and support services.

Successful Projects

ETAUP (2024)

The Electrotechnology Trades Assistant Upskilling Program (ETAUP) was undertaken by Energy Skills Australia on behalf of the Electrical Trades Union NSW branch, through the NSW Department of Education Trade Pathway Innovation Fund Grant.   

ETAUP successfully implemented a quality, industry accepted skills recognition and upskilling pathway for Australian citizens and residents living and/or working in the NSW electrotechnology industry who hold electrical qualifications gained overseas.  

ETAUP components mirror the industry accepted and endorsed skill recognition requirements for skilled migrants. 

Comprising an initial assessment called the Australian Technical Competencies Statement (ATCS) which is equivalent to the Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR) and utilising the industry endorsed and nationally recognised gap training course and workplace experience requirements, the pathway results in the issuance of the UEE30820 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician and subsequent unrestricted electrical license.    

The pilot was undertaken for an 18-month period and officially concluded on the 1 December 2024, achieving 25 participants.  

Key Achievements:

  • Office of Fair Trading acceptance of the ATCS to trigger a provisional tradespersons certificate for ETAUP participants.
  • 25 Participants will become trade qualified and licenced.
  • Demonstrated the need for the pathway to exist.
  • Project steering committee (comprising key NSW industry stakeholders) recommended that ETAUP components continue to be recognised and offered as the skills recognition pathway for NSW residents and citizens who hold electrical qualifications and experience gained overseas under a user pay arrangement.
  • Highlighted the rigour required to meet the electrical occupation in Australia.
  • ESA and Project Partners will work with the NSW Government and industry to have this pathway establish on an ongoing basis under a user pay model in the future.

This project has shone a light on the expected level of quality and rigour required to be met when undertaking a skill assessment process that directly maps to the Australian Electrician qualification.

Read Participant Case Studies

EPC Review (2023)

In November 2023, Energy Skills Australia was commissioned by Energy Safe Victoria, on behalf of the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC) to coordinate the review of the Essential Performance Capabilities (EPCs) to ensure they continue to reflect the occupational training standards that apply to electrical apprentices and electrical workers in Australia (and New Zealand) establishing the agreed minimum requirements for issuance of an unrestricted electrical licence in Australia and New Zealand. 

Drawing on our proven track record, technical expertise and related experience having successfully undertaking this task when the EPCs were last reviewed in 2014, ESA successfully coordinated key industry stakeholders from across the country and New Zealand to ensure a successful and nationally accepted outcome was achieved. 

ERAC subsequently endorsed the revised 2024 EPCs at their May 2024 meeting. 

Key Outcome 

  • Publishing and release of the 2024 EPCs reflecting the minimum standards that apply to electrical apprentices and electrical workers in Australia when applying for an unrestricted electrical licence. 
BRII (2022)

Development of a Feasibility Study for the Exemplar Adaptive Gateway solution to overcome Automatic Recognition of Occupational Registration (AMR) for Electrical occupations.

Working with regulatory authorities in Western Australia and South Australia to develop a highly secure, scalable and cost effective, acceptable solution that will improve information matching and exchange between jurisdictions in relation to electrical licenses.

Key outcome

Documented and developed a deep understanding of license classes, legacy systems, platforms and current information sharing processes

Designed a solution to interact with existing systems and processes to overcome data sharing barriers

ISMAA (2018-2019)

Known as the Industry Specialist Mentoring for Australian Apprentices project or ISMAA, Energy Skills Australia mentored 1543 apprentices in all states and territories excluding WA. Funded by the Australian Government to provide intensive support to apprentices and trainees in the first two years of their training.

Key outcome

Engagement of electrotechnology specialist mentors to support and assist our apprentice participants both with the technical component, academic component and by providing pastoral care to ensure students remained in their Electrotechnology apprenticeship.

EIAPMS (2012-2015)

Administration and developers of the $22 Million Australian Government funded National Energy Industry Apprenticeship Progression Management System (EIAPMS) project in partnership with key industry stakeholders (NECA, MEA and ETU). The pilot included 1549 apprentices and 943 employers from all states and territories.

Key outcome

Apprentice retention rate of 93% (up from around 62%)

The project saw the development and implementation of:

Apprentice Readiness Assessment (and associated support materials)

Industry advisory services for employers, schools and individuals

Quality Assurance Apprentice progression national benchmarks model

National Apprentice Mentoring System

Suite of national blended learning training and assessment resources to support delivery of Electricians qualification.

Data Management system

Professional development for RTO staff, employers and mentors

Training Package Development/Achievement

Between 2005 and 2014 support for Energy Skills Australia developed Training Packages resulted in student enrolments increasing by 57% across Australia;

During the same period, apprenticeship completions in Energy Skills Australia developed Training Package qualifications increased from 2670 to 8239 across Australia;

Maintained a strong working relationship with industry, peak bodies, registered training organisation, employers, unions and government to achieve consensus.

Workplace English Language & Literacy (WELL) Projects (2010-2014)


Administered a number of Australian Government programs aimed to increase the assist industry up-skill their operatives, including:

Industry Skills Fund (ISF) (2015-2016) – Energy Skills Australia administered ISC funding aimed to assist Australian industry develop innovative training solutions and access training and support services.

Critical Skills Investment Fund (CSIF) (2011) – Energy Skills Australia brokered industry projects that provided training and employment opportunities in critical industry sectors.

Enterprise Based Productivity Places Program (EBPPP) (2010-2013) – to assist industry enterprises up-skill existing workers. Through this programme Energy Skills Australia administered 1424 training places.

National Workforce Development Fund (NWDF) (2010-2014) – Energy Skills Australia worked with a number of employers and RTOs to broker training places to upskill Electrotechnology workforce in a number of jurisdictions.

Productivity Places Program (PPP) (2008-2009) – Energy Skills Australia in partnership with Origin, Thiess and GippsTAFE conducted two projects which saw the rollout of sustainable training models to the Gas and ESI industries.

Industry Intelligence

2021 – Industry Survey


Committee Representation

Standards Australia Committee Representation

  • PSO Technical Committees
  • PSO Strategic Industry Advisory Body (SIAB)
  • Standards Australia - EL-001, EL-042
  • Household Energy Upgrades Fund (HEUF) – Industry Reference Group