Professional Development

Actively pursuing professional development ensures that knowledge and skills stay relevant and up to date. It also allows you to be more aware of changing trends and directions in any industry.

With the energy sector moving at a faster pace than ever before, standing still will cause you to be left behind as your colleagues expand their knowledge and skills

As the national industry skills council Energy Skills Australia is able to help continue with your professional development in the following ways.

Training Packages

When training packages are updated, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) need to ensure they understand the new changes and requirements to transition to the newest version of a training product.

With over 25 years of experience, expertise and success in developing leading industry-driven training standards for the energy sector, Energy Skills Australia has the capabilities to enable your organisation to better implement these changes.

We can assist with the following:

  • Implementation advice
    • How to interpret training packages
    • Resource requirements and facility workshop setups.
  • New training package updates
    • Mapping differences between new and superseded qualifications and units
    • Interpreting and collecting workplace evidence

Workplace Evidence Collection

Exemplar Profiling is an online platform that records an apprentices activities ‘on-the-job’ including the level of supervision they are working under, the range of equipment they use and the tasks they complete.

This information informs a skills profile which is used by the RTO as evidence in an assessment judgement.

Energy Skills Australia can help understand and operate the platform with its network partners Exemplar Systems.

Contact us to find out how