RTO Evaluation

Vocational Education and Training (VET) significantly underpins the nation’s workforce development, it plays a vital role in delivering a trained workforce that have the skills needed for Australia’s economic development.

Energy Skills Australia understands how indispensable Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are in training the workforce and addressing skills gaps. However, acknowledge there are key barriers to attracting and retaining teachers with industry expertise, particularly in the energy sector.

It is therefore why we have introduced the Pink Slip evaluation program.

What is the Pink Slip Evaluation Program?

The Energy Skills Australia RTO Evaluation process or “the Pink Slip Evaluation” applies to RTO’s who wish to extend their scope of registration with an identified high risk qualification and/or skill set from the UEE Electrotechnology and UET ESI Transmission, Distribution and Rail Training Packages.

The Pink Slip Evaluation has been developed by Energy Skills Australia. It will ensure high quality outcomes for learners and speedier registration for training providers. It will provide evidence to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) when it audits applications for initial registration/extension to scope.

Energy Skills Australia industry experts with relevant educational and training experience will conduct site visits (in person or virtually) at the RTO to determine a training provider’s capacity to deliver training and assessment which meets the requirements of the training package qualification(s).

How to access the program?

Get in touch with Energy Skills Australia to get started with the Pink Slip Evaluation.

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